Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I'm Really sorry

I have been super busy with work and disney - i'm sorry :(
I don't really know want to say???? haha lol.
I'll be home on the 8th of august and i promise I''ll tell you everything!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sorry for the Delay

wow i'm sorry it has been so long... I've been trying to soak up all Florida is offering me.
Tonight I'm going to Magic kingdom should be a good time.
I'm back to normal as most of you know - i have seen 3 movies (in theatres) this week! ahhhh! lol I saw the Hangover, year one and the proposal. all were really good! I'd been missing my movies :( but I've had my fix so i'm good.
I have just been working not a lot more but i hope to start doing more fun things!
Family I can't wait to see you in less than a week! yay you'll be here!
anywho more will come and it will be good :)

Monday, June 8, 2009

All work and no play makes for a very boring blog!

So i've been working Wahoo! nothing to exciting there. work work work... it gets so boring at night all alone - i closed for the first time without a trainer last night - so easy, soooo booooring. ummm... yesterday I went and saw UP and holy it was pretty much life changing - my life before it was just incomplete! lol no but it was really good and you know you don't have to see it but well, you should! the movies was cool and it was funny because for the fist time i've been down here i had mcdonalds - the two places that I work! haha
I guess I've been thinking about what to do with my life and I think i may want to becom a midwife. The only trouble is that at UBC they only accept 10 people into the program and semester or year (i don't remember) so getting in is going to be a task on its own. there are 3 schools in Ontario and they all run off each other so I'm assuming the same requirements the problem there is that I didn't take Bio or Chem 12 and you need either but both is recommended and in English and socials 12 as well as the science you need 70%. I actully don't have a socials 12 either come to think of it. but any way they have basically the same requirements from university, but they aren't accepting college credits so basically I wasted my money and my life in Douglas last year. another thing is though I want a 9-5 job monday - fri, now don't get me wrong i understand that as a midwife I will never work 9-5 on a mon - fri but thats is another reason this whole thing is bumming me out because I can't find anything I feel worth doing with my life, so i am competely unmotivated to do anything right now/ever
since nothing is really going on in my life here i thought i'd share that with you all and see what you think.
hope you are all enjoying the nice weather and I hope everyone is well
you know who this is...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Sorry :(

I am in a massive craziness of work - if i'm not working I'm sleeping and I haven't written in a while so i barely know where to begin/ nothing has happened so I don't know where to start - I may have some time tuesday but definately by thursday there will be something!

Monday, June 1, 2009


So I had today off and went to property control and that was cool but I didn't get anything. I also got a 2009 cast member shirt which is awesome. Then I went to the pool for 3 hours and again with the sunscreen but more burn... no as bad but this time it is all over not just on my upper back.
Right after the terrible burning I went to Grocery BINGO and.... I won! Yay! i got a bag of groceries and a laundry bag with toliet paper, laundry detergent and trash bags. It was so awesome.I enjoyed it - probably since I won. I then went to a $6.00 all you can eat bufffet - pasta, salad, pizza and dessert it was good at for only six dollars
So I did my first voulenteering. It was awesome! First I walked around the give kids the world village handing out flyers to our candyland party. Then we became the card deck and the kids became the pieces. so we ran around the board. Then there was a candy cane contest where one kid would be wrapped up in red and white streamers by the other kids. Next there was limbo and then a gingerbread making contest and finally there was dancing! I had a blast I hope to go every sunday and wednesday but I know that won't happen :(
Anyways it really is time for some sleep i had a long day today so good night

PS new moon looks like it will blow me out of the freakin water aahhhahahahhhhaha I can't wait until November!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Live chickens are more fresh - did you know that?

So not too much new. I made a friend named Daniel, he is from China. I work with him - I am normally dispatching and he is normally greeter! He is awsome. A couple days ago he was teaching me Manderian(thats not spelt right, but you get the jist) and I asked him about Chinese food. I told he that he would cook for me one day - kind of rude I know but he didn't seem to mind :). Then today I worked 8:00 till 4:30 and he worked 9:00 till 5:30 and so I asked him what he was doing tonight and he said nothing so I told him that I was going to come over for dinner! which again rude but he was fine with it. So today he made me chinese food and I asked him loads about China and asia in general. So now when I visit him in Shanghai he will show me around :)
Also I haven't told you about my friend Galo - he is from ecuador. When I go there he will be there to show me around quito and the will take me to the galapagos! yay I have tour guides all over the world now!
There was a pool party last night that I went to I met the queen from snow white and Cruella de vil was there but i didn't meet her :( and the picture blows so I won't post it. Anyways I hope all is well.
Love you!